Grabación para Caminar con su Duelo en Español (Spanish Self-Guided Grief Walk)
Spanish walk image.png

¡Hola y bienvenidos a Wild Grief!

Aquí en Wild Grief, creemos en el poder curativo de la naturaleza, la importancia de la comunidad, y la necesidad de reconocer el impacto de la muerte en nuestras vidas. Estar en luto por un ser querido que ha fallecido se dificulta aún más en estos tiempos de aislamiento social. Por esta razón, hemos desarrollado recursos que puede usar en su propio tiempo y espacio para sentir el apoyo y poder curativo de la naturaleza y su conexión con la tierra. Usted es bienvenido aquí, su dolor y sus emociones están bienvenidos aquí. Puede sentir sus emociones. Las montañas y los árboles pueden aguantar su dolor.

Vamos a tomar un viaje guiado de ocho minutos que puede usar para conectarse consigo mismo, lo que está sintiendo, y con el mundo a su alrededor.

Este viaje puede ser parte de su proceso de luto. 

¿Está listo? Encuentra un lugar donde pueda estar afuera, y presiona ‘play’ en la siguiente grabación.

Reflections on the Current Moment and the Long Journey Ahead

Wild Grief was born and lives to support people in their loss and mourning. Through the events of the last weeks, we are once again witnessing the grief and pain experienced by communities of color, especially Black and Indigenous communities, both historically and today. We join in mourning the recent deaths of George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery and the many whose names we do not know.

This is not only about speaking up right now; the work to change the harms of systemic racism is in many actions over time, at the personal and organizational levels. There is much to be done, to support folks healing from this deep trauma, as well as to change the roots of these traumas. We believe that the work of grieving and feeling the pain of grief- our own and others’- is one small piece in the big puzzle of healing.

We are dedicated, compassionate, grief-knowledgeable and predominantly white. We know that it will take ongoing learning and reflection, as well as changes in our policies and practices to ensure that our organization is welcoming, inclusive and reflective of our community at all levels- leadership, program delivery, and participants. Wild Grief is committed to this work for the long term. 

We believe and are committed to the power of nature in healing. Connecting with nature through hiking and backpacking is not always accessible or safe for People of Color, especially Black folks. We are learning about the many individuals and organizations that are working to change this and we have deep gratitude for their work. We encourage you in particular to support the work of the following groups through learning and sharing about their work and supporting them financially if you are able.

Wild Diversity is an organization in Portland dedicated to creating a sense of belonging in the outdoors for the BIPOC* and LGBTQ+ communities through hosting outdoor adventures, providing outdoor education, and facilitating community workshops. (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)

Outdoor Afro is a national network that celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature, and has chapters across the country including Seattle and Portland. 

Diversify Outdoors is a coalition of social media influencers who share the goal of promoting diversity in outdoor spaces where people of color, LGBTQ+ and other diverse identities have historically been underrepresented. Through their website, you can learn about people doing this work in myriad ways across the country. 

We are dedicated to doing our part in making accessing the outdoors more inclusive and safe for all people. You may be able to help us further this work; we are open to hearing from you. It takes many minds, many hearts and many hands to make these changes and to heal.

The first step is learning from what we don’t know. We invite you to join us in this learning journey. We are sharing some resources below that we are exploring and found helpful. 

Outdoors & Racial Justice

Bad Things Happen in the Woods: The Anxiety of Hiking While Black

The Melanin Base Camp Guide to Outdoor Allyship

Grief & Racial Justice

The Unbearable Grief of Black Mothers

Grief Out Loud Podcast, Suffocated Grief & Supporting Black Youth

Thank you for joining us on this journey of learning and listening with an open heart.

Guided Grief Walk- Belonging

Have you read our recent blog post on Belonging? This Guided Grief Walk recording is an accompaniment to help you explore and tap into the sense of belonging in nature that is explored in that piece.

Our hope is that having this recording to listen to on your walk will give you a sense of connection to the Wild Grief community as you feel the feelings, notice the wonders, and are held in the arms of nature. May your walk leave you feeling more connected, more centered, and more yourself.

The recording is ten minutes long, but we will invite you to pause it, take time time to reflect and to listen to the wild sounds around you.

So, find a place to spend some time walking in nature- on the beach, in the woods, in a meadow or field- and press play.


Looking for more ways to connect with nature to support you in your grief?

Check out our upcoming events!